Create a 3D Flowery Text Effect

In this tutorial, we will need the beautiful Suddenly Spring brushes designed by GValkyrie.
Download the Suddenly Spring brushes here.
All rights of these resources belong to their
respective owners.

Step 1 – Setting Up Background
Create a document of size 750×550 pixels.
Set the foreground color to #004B64
and background to #000000.

Using the Radial Gradient tool, drag a circular
gradient from the top downwards.
Step 2a – Create a 3D Text
Open up Adobe Illustrator.
Set the Fill to be #FFFFFF and type in your first
letter with a bold font.

I am using Helvetica 75 Bold.
Draw a black layer below the white letter so
it is visible.
Step 2b – Create a 3D Text
Select the letter and go to Effect > 3D > Extrude
& Bevel.

Fill in the settings shown on the left.
Check on Preview so you are able to see the end
results from the settings.
Adjust the values if necessary.
Step 2c – Create a 3D Text
Fill in the remaining of settings as
shown on the left.

Click OK once you are done.
Step 2d – Create a 3D Text
Repeat Step 2a to 2c for the rest of your letters.
Adjust the values in Step 2b to get the letters
facing in different directions.

Select the first letter and press on
Ctrl+C to copy it.
Step 2e – Create a 3D Text
Go back to Photoshop and press Ctrl+V
to paste the first letter.

Paste As prompt will appear.
Choose Smart Object.

Do the copying and pasting for rest of the letters.
Step 3a – Apply Surface Gradient
Select Magic Wand and enter the settings shown
on the left.

Click on top surface of the first letter.
Step 3b – Apply Surface Gradient
Click on Refine Edge.
Fill in the settings as shown on the left.
Step 3c – Apply Surface Gradient
Create a new layer above the first letter and name
it as Surface. Fill the selection with #000000.

Select the new layer and choose Blending Option.
Activate Gradient Overlay set the colors to be
#003146 and #B8EBFE.
Set the Blend Mode to Normal,
Opacity to 100%, Style to Linear,
Angle to 90 and Scale to 100%.
Step 3d – Apply Surface Gradient
Repeat Step 3a to 3c for the rest of letters.
Try to use different colors of same theme in the
gradient overlay, such as shades of
green and cyan.
Step 4a – Adding Flowery Swirls
Load Suddenly Spring brushes. Create another
layer above Surface layer and name it as Floral.

Set the foreground to #FFFFFF. Select one of the
Suddenly Spring brushes and paint over the

Set the Blend Mode of Floral layer to Overlay and
opacity to 50%. Select the Floral layer and Ctrl+left
click on the Surface layer to load its selection.

Click on Layer Mask button.
Step 4b – Adding Flowery Swirls
Repeat Step 4a for rest of the letters.
Create new layers in between each letter to paint
some black (#000000) shadows with Soft Brush

Mask these shadows the same way done for
the Floral layers.
Step 4c – Adding Flowery Swirls
Create a new layer below all the letters.
Set the foreground color to #BEF7A8 and paint
some flowers around the letters.

Right-click on the layer and choose Blending

Activate Outer Glow and set the color to #FFFFFF.
Leave the rest of settings as default.
Step 4d – Adding Flowery Swirls
Repeat Step 4c to plant more flowers around
the letters.
Step 4e – Adding Flowery Swirls
Create a new layer below everything.
Set the foreground color to #FFFFFF and paint
a large flower.
Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and
set the radius to 6px.

Set the Blend Mode of this layer to Overlay.
Step 5a – Glowing Stars
Create a new layer above everything and name it
as Stars.

Use Soft Brush tool with size 1px and color
#FFFFFF, draw a big cross as shown in the

Erase slightly on the 4 corners with big Soft Eraser.
Select Soft Brush tool, set its opacity 20% and
size to 30px.

Paint a fade dot in the center of the cross.
Step 5b – Glowing Stars
Right-click on the Stars layer and choose
Blending Options.

Choose Outer Glower and set the color to
Leave the rest of the settings as default.


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