Photoshopping Aqua Wallpaper

Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3

Create a new file (File>New) of 1920x1200px/72 dpi.
In this case we’ll select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill our primary layer with blue color. The color’s code is #17CBFF
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Select now the Brush Tool (B) with the next demonstrated parameters. Opacity 30% and the color’s code is #0499E6
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Paint the blue background on its lateral sides.
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
… and on the bottom part.
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Take the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and type the word ‘aqua’ by separate letters. All the letters have the same next demonstrated parameters, except Q.
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
The parameters for the Q letter.
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Place the word the same way demonstrated below:
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Mark out the letters on the layers’ panel and press Shift button while left clicking on the appropriate layer. Then press Ctrl+J and the marked layers will be copied. Move them lower, using the Move Tool (V) and change their colors – #084DA2
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Select now Blending Options – Outer Glow for each letter. Make a double click on the necessary layer on the layers’ panel.
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
It’s the result you should get:
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Now choose the next Blending Options – Inner Shadow for all the letters, except the last one.
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Blending Options – Outer Glow
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Blending Options – Inner Glow
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Blending Options – Gradient Overlay

Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Gradient Editor
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
The letters start to get a kind of marine nuance:

Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3
Create the famous Aqua wallpaper in just a few minutes using Adobe Photoshop CS3


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